Friday, February 21, 2020 February 21, 2020 at 04:00AM - Five of the Best: Beaches

Five of the Best is a weekly series about the bits of games we overlook. I'm talking about hands, maps, cats, startup screens - things we ignore at the time but can recall years later because, it turns out, they're integral to our memory of the game. Now is the time to celebrate them!

It works like this. Various Eurogamer writers will share their memories in the article and then you - probably outraged we didn't include the thing you're thinking of - can share the thing you're thinking of in the comments below. We've had some great discussions in our other Five of the Best pieces. So come on, what are you waiting for? On we go!

When I gaze out of the big windows beside me I see building works and grey skies. Oh February. Oh England. What I wouldn't give to be padding through the warm sands of a beach somewhere else, somewhere hot - somewhere I can splosh in and out of the water all day, drying lazily in the sun.

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