These small, wide bars consisted of just tightly packed, small sesame seeds with various levels of browning as the seeds were apparently toasted, plus there was a slight sugary shine on the outside. ...
This "Extra " version of Bis snack was way different than the (not Extra) Bis Black and Bis Oreo, as it was just one fairly big, thick, very wide candy bar that just happened to contain wafers, unlike the others that contained lots of small, individually wrapped, thinly coated wafer bars. ...
We've reviewed Golden Oreo in Mini, Mega Stuf, Fudge Cremes with Birthday Cake Creme and Thins versions, but even with 22 years of snack reviews, we somehow neglected to review Golden in normal Oreo size. ...
The oddly branded but very tasty Ruffles Ridge Twists Smoky BBQ turned out not to be the only helical Ruffles hitting snack aisles this month, as this one offered the same shapes, with no basketball player on the bag. ...
These crunchy cheese curls stood out for their high price, costing a big premium over similar volumes of Cheetos and other competing products, so we bought a bag to find out whether the extra cost brings a better product. ...
This bag contained peanuts with two different coatings, one of chocolate and the other more lightly colored and supposed to taste like peanut butter, with the promise of combining those two flavors to simulate the flavor of a peanut butter cup. ...
These chips crossed over two snack categories in a way we've never seen before, as the "chips" were a lot like jerky, made from meat rather than any grain, but they did look and feel a lot like chips. ...
When you're running out of non-snack foods to base your potato chips flavors on, you theme them on other snacks that your company makes, and that's exactly what Lay's has done with chips that are supposed to taste like Cheetos, Cool Ranch Doritos, Funyuns and now this one, based on a Fritos flavor that we reviewed 20 years ago. ...
These sort-of-spherical snacks looked a lot like the various Herr's corn-based snacks (including cheese balls and many that don't use cheese) in shape, with a light yellow color and some hints of green. ...